Buy side
Acquiring a business offers an excellent opportunity to expand geographically, reach new customers, and augment your current offerings with additional services and products.
How to buy a business?
Professional assistance is crucial during the negotiation, valuation, and purchase stages of acquiring a business. Securing financing becomes essential once a purchase price is established. Even post-agreement, certain conditions must be met for completion, including the verification of financial statements, lease transfers, and the transfer of existing or new VAT registration, among other considerations.
MP collaborates with acquirers of middle-market businesses, engaging in activities such as opportunity evaluation, target list development, contact prioritization, negotiation of transaction structures, capital sourcing, transaction closure, and post-acquisition support.
Our partnership with buyers aims to streamline the transaction process, ensuring well-structured and accretive acquisitions.
What should I know before buying a business?
Before embarking on a business acquisition, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your objectives. Consider the following factors:
Assess your resources: Do not underestimate the time and financial commitment involved, as it can significantly impact your existing company.
Identify the right business: Utilizing a professional advisor can be beneficial, as they can locate and manage interactions with target companies on your behalf.
Guard against surprises: Conduct thorough due diligence by obtaining up-to-date financial and legal information, subjecting it to professional analysis.
Evaluate the management team: Assess the current team, their potential retention, ability to handle responsibilities, and the impact of the owner's retirement on the business.
Develop a business integration plan: Preparing a plan for seamlessly integrating the new business with your existing company is crucial for success.
Considering the numerous aspects involved, our primary recommendation is to seek professional guidance when undertaking an acquisition. This distinction can determine whether your acquisition is a triumph or a potential business disaster.
How to finance a deal?
Investors assess business types distinctively based on opportunities and risks. We will guide you towards the most suitable, ensuring you secure the most favorable deal.
How can MP team help with buying a business?
Our assistance is flexible, covering the entire acquisition process or specific components based on your preferences. Our business acquisitions team offers a range of services, including:
Identifying and approaching target companies
Negotiating and finalizing deals
Securing business financing
Conducting thorough due diligence
Offering expert advice on tax matters
Overseeing project management for the entire process
It's worth noting that we do not have a minimum fee requirement and are open to undertaking any job, provided we are confident in our ability to make a positive impact.
Sell side
Selling a business can be a complex endeavor, and the unique nature of each sale only adds to the challenge. Our team is here to collaborate with you, ensuring you receive the appropriate guidance to make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome.
What are the key things to consider?
When contemplating the sale of your business, consider the following key questions:
How should I determine the value of my business?
Will my business attract interest in the market?
Who are the potential interested parties?
Is everything in order for a seamless sale?
What strategies can be employed to enhance the value of my business?
When is the optimal time to sell?
What tax implications should be considered in the sale?
What are the tax implications of selling a business?
Selling a business involves numerous tax considerations, encompassing Capital Gains Tax, deferred consideration, earn-outs, proceeds and income tax, as well as inheritance tax. While the most tax-efficient solution may not align with your lifestyle or cash needs, seeking expert advice beforehand allows MP team to guide you towards your desired outcome.
How MP team can help with selling a business?
MP offers an unbiased viewpoint in every transaction. Drawing on extensive market intelligence, analytical precision, wide-ranging transactional expertise, and a network of diverse industry connections, we have supported owners of prominent middle-market businesses in successfully implementing their exit strategies at the opportune moment and at the optimal overall market value. Whether the eventual buyer is a strategic or a financial one, domestic or international, and whether it is a well-known name or an entity discovered through our proactive search capabilities, MP stands alongside you throughout the entire process to ensure a structured approach and a successful transaction.
We offer comprehensive assistance to business owners in selling their businesses, including advice on maximizing value, preparing for sale, and finding the right buyer. Our services encompass creating an exit plan, business valuation, developing a compelling sales document, identifying potential buyers, managing offers, selecting a preferred buyer, project management from start to finish, tax advice, and preparing for due diligence. Ultimately, our goal is to secure the right deal for you in the most profitable and favorable manner.